A Language That’s Not Only One Language

It sound’s weird? Here is the History!

Age of Awareness


Photo by Serinus from Pexels

My native language is Urdu. As I was growing up I heard many times from my teachers this word means differently in Farsi or Chinese or Arabic. I thought it can possible that one word used in different languages with different meanings until I come to know that my native language is not actually one language. When I heard this I was so confused too.

A few days ago when I was having a common conversation about our country with my father, my father told me that our national language is not only one language. This was weird, in fact, this was uncanny. I asked my dad how can this be possible?

My dad replies to me with a simple answer ‘’yes, our language is a mixture of many other languages,’’ but it was not clear to me. So, I Googled and did some research and I found the right info about it.

When I asked Google, it says the same.

Urdu is a Turkish word that means ‘’Army’’ or ‘’Army camp’’ There is hardly any language in the world that has not absorbed words from other languages. Firstly, Urdu was originated in the Mughal camp. Urdu formed when soldiers were recruited to the Mughal army who were from different areas and spoke different languages like Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hindi. To easily communicate with each…

