Standing Up For Special Education

A School District Ignores The Experience Of Parents

Carl J. Petersen
Age of Awareness
4 min readNov 15, 2022


Parents of children benefiting from separate special education environments continue to fight as the LAUSD eliminates programs like AUT-Core.

I’m not fighting against inclusion. I’m fighting for the proper preparation, and for safeguarding the students who can’t learn in an inclusive environment.

- LAUSD Parent Vicky Maronyan

Just before the school year started, I received a frantic call from Vicky Maronyan, an LAUSD parent with a daughter who is on the autism spectrum. After many setbacks in finding an appropriate program for her child, she found a lot of success in the AUT-Core program at her Middle School. She and the parents of her daughter’s classmates had expected to maintain this trajectory into high school but were notified at the last moment that their high school and other nearby schools had eliminated their AUT-Core programs. Maronyan wrote about her frustrations in an article that I published in July.

I had Maronyan’s plight in mind as I asked the following question of the district’s bureaucrats at my first meeting as a member of the LAUSD’s Special Education…



Carl J. Petersen
Age of Awareness

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.