A New Hope

A Valedictorian Speaks Truth To Power

The LAUSD could not silence this brave student as he called out the damage caused by school board members Nick Melvoin, Kelly Gonez, and Monica Garcia.

Carl J. Petersen
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2022


Destabilize the status quo.

- Axel Brito

An administrator (unsuccessfully) tries to cut the speech short

Earning the highest Grade Point Average in a class of 300 students is a spectacular achievement. For his hard work, Axel Brito earned the chance to address his classmates at their graduation ceremony and rally them as they all took a step into their future. Brito chose to use his time to confront his school board member for his support of charter schools and a privatization agenda that commoditizes students.

In a district that regularly ignores the law and attempts to silence parents, it should not be a surprise that the reaction by school officials was to try to end Brito’s speech. However, with the support of the audience, Brito bravely carried on and eventually made it through his entire prepared text. His words are powerful and are printed below.

The actions of the district were no different than when Florida officials tried to censor a class president for violating DeSantis’ Don’t Say Gay law. That student also…



Carl J. Petersen
Age of Awareness

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com