All Electric Flying Car

California based group Alef Aero is working towards having a 2-seat flying car, the Model A, on the market in late 2025, selling for USD$300,000.

Peter Miles
Age of Awareness


Model A in transition flight. The car body is on its side and the gimbal passenger pod is facing in the direction of flight. Image from Alef Press Kit.

Alef also plans for a Model Z, 4 seat flying car with a longer range, available in 2035, selling for $35,000. We have seen this drop in price before with Tesla, as more models are produced, and development costs decrease.

Alef Flying Car

The Alef Aero group of 4 men with engineering and technology experience came together in 2015 to develop a modern solution for both urban and rural transportation needs in the 21st century. They have been testing driving and test flying a full-size prototype since 2019.

Alef is the first letter of many alphabets and has been used by this group to signify a leading position.

Model A. Image from Alef Press Kit.
Model A with doors open. Image from Alef Press Kit.

The 100% electric flying car is intended for street driving and with forward flight capability, it has a driving range of…



Peter Miles
Age of Awareness

45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change.