American Togetherness Undone: When ‘WE’ Became ‘ME’

Robert Pacilio
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2020


Tim Marshall@timmarshall

Historians often remind us (because we clearly need reminding) that once there was ‘A Greatest Generation.’ The men and woman of all races and creeds took to the South Pacific Seas, the Normandy Beaches and the White Cliffs of Dover to dismantle murderous regimes.

But there was so much more to fix here at home and abroad. From FDR to JFK to Nixon and Reagan and Obama, there has been a ceaseless march to form a ‘more perfect union.’ The presidents had a code they all followed — work to build on their predecessor’s accomplishments, improving the state of our world.

Naturally, there were mistakes made by all of these men (note: not women, yet). Racism has not abated as significantly as hoped. The climate is still overheating. Wars are still being fought — either cold shouldered or hot messes in other continents. Poverty still plagues our nation and the world around us. If one were to study data from Hans Rostling’s work Factfulness, one would understand that no matter how grim things seem today, the world is solving some of the toughest problems.

The government existence is the essence of his oath of office — “to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States.”



Robert Pacilio
Age of Awareness

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at