Angry note to Netflix

A very short note, actually!

Martine Irakoze
Age of Awareness


Dear Netflix,

Stop showing us Money Heist whenever we open Netflix!!

We are going through bad times; people are grieving over their lost freedom and relatives. And what you find best to suggest us is a movie about people robbing banks. Do you know that, when caught, thieves go to jail, locked up in a cell for years without the right to go out? Well, doesn't this remind you of a similar scenario we are going through right now? Exactly, QUARANTINE! So, stop turning the knife in the wound!

In the end, we will begin to think that you are actually part of the Money Heist crew. Robbing us monthly and now attempting to steal our innocence and freedom at the same time!


P.S Next one on the list to ban: Tiger King.
Now because of you, tigers in New York zoo are getting hyped and started to feel as if they belong to the human category. Now you see them testing positive to COVID-19.

Stop this mass dictatorship on the world through your terrible movie suggestions. Your influence has consequences!

Someone who has never watched Money Heist or Tiger King

