Appropriation Does Not Combat Racism

Endorsement From A Few Don’t Make It Right Sweetie

Age of Awareness


White man holding a sign smiling and a black woman standing beside him. The sign reads “Racism is a virus, we are the vaccine.”
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Every where we look, there’s a white person, often liberal, who is using the styles, sounds and slang from other cultures and excusing under the guise of “love”. They just want to show their love. Appropriation is about taking from other cultures and ignores the people upset in that community. Kind of like how cries for justice from those same communities are ignored.

Cultural Appropriation Does Not Fight Racism

Two Black men stand holding each other with one fist in the air while a crowd of onlookers do the same
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In fact, cultural appropriation plays into racism, misogynoir and anti-Blackness. It strips the history that comes with those styles (be it clothes or hair). It continues mining Black culture for clicks, influence and attention while the people are not seen. There is no crossover or correlation between appropriation and better treatment toward the community whose culture is appropriated. People ignorantly try to claim that there is a love for the people if there is a love of the culture. They are not synonymous. Because the people are not seen, but a caricature, a cliche, a one-dimensional cutout is what is seen—not a person.



Age of Awareness

Black/Puerto Rican creative non-binary. Spouts nonsense that occasionally makes sense. they/them