Are Changes on Medium Creating a New Job Position Within the Platform?

Can ‘Medium Designers’ become a thing?

Athina Kontolati
Age of Awareness
2 min readOct 20, 2020


The screenshot was taken by the author

Waking up to changes on Medium seems to be the new normal. Not that I am complaining but I am aware that it can be annoying for some people. However, what we have to keep in mind is that Medium is growing alongside us and our writing careers on the platform. Hence, changes are inevitable, and to be honest necessary since there is no doubt that many things need improvements and/or alterations.

So, can Medium Designers become a thing? In case you haven’t noticed, a new tool has been added to Medium. That tool is “Design”. What you have to do to find it is quite simple: Just click on your profile photo, and you will find it just below “Stats”.

Design is a tool that apparently lets you customize your blog on the platform, and thus making it possible to express yourself not only by words but aesthetically too. I believe it’s quite a nice addition since now, no longer only in a beta mode, every writer here will be able to adjust to a significant degree how their blog looks.

A change like this means that writing on Medium can become more personalized. The problem is that even though that, as I perceive it, the “Design” tool is a good addition, not all of us have, let's say, the “eye” for what can be aesthetically pleasing, and even more so within the niche that each one is writing.

So, can this perhaps create a demand for people who know the platform enough but at the same time can guide you, or even hire them to design your blog? Probably yes.

The screenshot was taken by the author

New writers like me on the platform might be less likely to hire someone to design their blogs since, let’s be honest, the likelihood that a strong enough commitment to spend money that you haven’t even earned yet from your Medium blog is small.

However, accomplished Medium writers, and even more so people that may make their entire living out of writing here and related activities would probably freelance the designing of their blog if they didn’t feel comfortable enough to do it themselves.

Besides, it’s one thing to be good at writing, and another to design blogs and/or websites. Some may successfully do both, but this doesn't mean that everyone can do so.

So, have you thought of becoming a Medium Designer?

