Are you confused about posting your article online?

“So What” technique by Austin Kleon

Sanket Sonje
Age of Awareness
2 min readJan 24, 2022


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Every time I wrote something, I always had lots of doubts in my mind. Will people like my article, Is it okay to share it, How they react, what they think about me, etc. But nowadays, I’m using the “So What” technique given by Austin Kleon.

First of all, you need to understand that whenever you post online, your content is public. Your content might get copied and this is the biggest disadvantage of the internet. So make sure you will not do anything which will be confidential to you or you’re not comfortable sharing with everyone on the Internet.

Be open, share imperfect and unfinished work. Learn from the feedback you get but don’t share absolutely everything!! There’s a huge difference between sharing and oversharing.

“So What” technique by Austin Kleon
“So What” technique by Austin Kleon

Let’s understand the above diagram.

  1. If your article is interesting or useful to others, then you should publish your article.
  2. If your article is NOT interesting or useful to others, then you shouldn’t publish your article.
  3. If you’re confused and don’t know whether your article is useful or interesting, save it. Revisit it after some time, a day, or two later. Think wisely, again go through the “So What” test. Make a decision.

Signing off with the quote by Dani Shapiro — “Make no mistake: This is not your diary. You are not letting it all hang out. You are picking and choosing every single word.”



Sanket Sonje
Age of Awareness

I loved to write about Growth Mindset, Self Improvement, Book Summaries, Life lessons, Investing, Photography, and Minimalism.