Atomic Habits in the Classroom: How to Create a Positive Learning Routine.

A guide to applying the 4 laws of behaviour change in your teaching.

Lukas Dobner
Age of Awareness


Photo by Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirir on Unsplash

“Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”

— Robert Collier

The power of creating positive habits is undeniable, but as a teacher, I can see its full potential is yet to be harnessed by the education system.

James Clear’s bestseller Atomic Habits blew my mind, but it also made me realize how destructive many current educational practices are. A normal school day is filled with habits that are detrimental to the learning process.

Instead, we should harness the science of habits to create positive learning routines for students.

This article will show some of the teaching practices that foster bad habits. Then, you’ll see how you can use the 4 laws to create positive learning habits in your classroom.

How Education Gets It Wrong

If you haven’t read James Clear’s Atomic Habits, I recommend giving it a look. It shows you how to apply the science of habit formation in your everyday life.



Lukas Dobner
Age of Awareness

Teacher | Passion for innovation in teaching and educational leadership | Background in public system, Montessori, and International Baccalaureate