Bacon Burger in Paradise: Hawaii Can Be Terrible For People and Pigs

Overrun with invasive species, Hawaii has unique issues

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Age of Awareness


Photo by Neora Aylon on Unsplash

Paradise Found

Hawaii can be a terrible place.

It’s nice for the beach and surfing. It’s nice if you usually winter in below freezing North America. It’s nice for thirsty desert dwellers who ache for humidity and reliable water. It’s nice for the green scenery.

That said, much of the green scenery, most of it, in fact, doesn’t belong here. At all. And along with the flora brought here from abroad, came the fauna from abroad.

Brilliant bird species, among them those treasured for feathered capes, are greatly endangered.

…And lost

Hawaii is now home to many nightmares. I think it was E.O. Wilson who said, “Paradise found is paradise lost.” What nightmares have invaded paradise?

To start with, troubled sleep is always worse when a mosquito is buzzing around your head. Hawaii was rare among the rare, the one habitable place on Earth without mosquitoes.

An annoying, single mom seeking a blood meal to feed her babies might seem minor. In fact, a mosquito bite here is pretty lame as first world problems go. Yet, when you…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Age of Awareness

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.