Be Unashamedly, Unapologetically Anti-Racist

Even if sad little people on the internet hate you for it

Kat Morris
Age of Awareness


Image Source: Unsplash

You would think this would go without saying, wouldn’t you?

What has sparked my rage is the multiple comments I’ve had to an article that Your Tango republished. The article Why White Privileged Men Brand Angry Anti-Racist Women “Hysterical” was a comfort to many people — until it was republished on Your Tango, in which I received quite a bit of hate, including this delightful comment: “this article gave me cancer.”

The reaction to my article telling people to be anti-racist was, quite frankly, disgusting. I have been told to get a “real job” and that people who complain about racism should stop playing the victim.

A lot of the anger on stories connected to the “race row” (why it’s a debate, I don’t know — racism exists and is wrong, the end) is connected to a belief that white privilege doesn’t exist. It is somewhat understandable for a white person not to fully understand the issue, or need to educate themselves more. I am a white woman myself, meaning I do not have the right to speak for Black people, but it would be wrong of me if I stood back and didn’t say anything, like so many of us have in the past. I don’t want to let anyone down by being silent.



Kat Morris
Age of Awareness

Writer ✍️ SEND TA 🏫 Fascinated with the brain, probably cos mines a bit odd.