Believe in American Ingenuity? Support Universal Basic Income

Dr. Munr Kazmir
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2021


American culture is innovation and creativity. We need to invest more in it.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.

Unfortunately, “Hollywood”, that once producer of great art in a bold, new, immersive format, has become The Hollywood Machine.

Evidence of this is everywhere.

The situation has become so bad that Disney, which owns the rights to the Star Wars franchise now, won’t cede full artistic control to George Lucas.

The mind boggles, but you can kind of see their thinking: With so much money on the line, trusting a project of that size to the sole judgement of a single person would be insane.

What if they get it wrong?

And that’s why great art isn’t coming out of Hollywood right now.

There is no making great art without risking failure.

That’s why blockbusters aren’t the Hollywood gold standard anymore, first-run releases can be streamed in your home for $20, and nothing could drive audiences to the movie theaters in the their old numbers.

Not even blockbusters featuring every major star of the past decade packs them in the aisles anymore. Two decades ago, any one of those actors would have filled theaters with avid movie goers all summer long.

