Bernie Sander’s Dreams Are a Movement, Not a Personality Cult

There is hope for the future.

Glen Hendrix
Age of Awareness


Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

I love Bernie Sander’s political ideas, and I hate that he did not win the nomination and go on to win the presidency. He is a caring, intelligent guy. He wants to serve. He eschews power. He really and truly wants a society where equality and justice mean something, the least of jobs can be life sustaining, health care is a human right and not something to be held ransom by corporate thieves, there is affordable housing and education, corporations are denied the purchase of legislation or political offices, the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, we begin to restore our planet’s climate, and drug laws aren’t adding to the millions incarcerated in a class war waged on the poor and minorities.

His campaign is over, but his values and beliefs and the fire he ignited will burn bright into the future. One must keep in mind this is a movement, not a personality cult like Trump’s. As such, it does not need Bernie. If Bernie decides to retire, there are others that think and feel like Bernie to fill his shoes. Notably, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be eligible for the Presidency in 2024. Biden better watch out.

Upcoming generations of voters are realizing the current Democratic Party is the Republican Party Light. They may act a little smarter…

