Beyond Comfort Zones

Philosophical Insights into Discomfort

Jessica Böhme, PhD
Age of Awareness


Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

The state of the world is alarming — species vanish, the climate warms, inequality rises, and technology dominates. Simultaneously, many feel a deep sense of purposelessness and inadequacy. We know change is necessary, yet it feels out of reach. But why?

We tend to think our inaction stems from irrationality, yet in reality, our lack of action serves our immediate needs. It’s not change itself that’s challenging. The real hurdle lies in relinquishing our excuses for why change seems impossible. It’s the allure of comfort that holds us back.

Comfort tricks us into thinking we’ve handled situations. Excuses seem like saviors, but they merely veil reality. While they might offer short-term relief, they hinder long-term progress.

Our society is designed for comfort — supermarkets at our fingertips, home-delivered pizzas. Stepping outside comfort zones feels overwhelming, seemingly not worth the struggle. We love comfort. Our whole society is optimised for comfort. We never get cold. We never get hungry. We never get hot. We never get thirsty. And lately: we also expect to never get hurt, to never get critized, to never get triggered.

Our aversion to discomfort has made us forget the strength found in enduring mental and physical challenges, which



Jessica Böhme, PhD
Age of Awareness

professor 🔬| founder & director of IPeP (Institute for Practical ekoPhilosophy) 🌎 | artist 🎨 | author of three books 📚 👩🏻‍🎤