Capitalism By Any Other Name

Would Be As Harmful

Age of Awareness


Photo by fikry anshor on Unsplash

People debate various solutions to solve the problems of inequality and inequity. Among those possible solutions is the one where all ailments would be solved if people other than white were wealthy and held the reigns of financial power. But it depends on how and where we see the issue. If the issue is solely white people, then yes this would be a possible pathway to a world where more people outside of white cis men are not only surviving, but thriving. However, the issue of white supremacy is not solely a white issue and white supremacy is about keeping money in the hands of the elite. All a shift would do is change who the elite are, and all the hardships and trial of the marginalized communities would still be present. It would just be a different group preying on us.

We All Have A Price

White supremacy was built to allow the top tier wealthy maintain and increase their revenue. That is why while people on company boards and CEO’s and executives continue to make more yearly, the hourly worker’s income has remained the same. The point is that extra money spiral upwards. The issue with capitalism is that it is dependent on our labor and it has been allowed to set the price. We are all walking around with a financial quote hanging like an albatross around our necks that determines our value to…



Age of Awareness

Black/Puerto Rican creative non-binary. Spouts nonsense that occasionally makes sense. they/them