Challenging Day >Challenging Life

Tony Jones, M.A.
Age of Awareness
Published in
8 min readJun 18, 2020


I am in no way an expert on dismantling racism. All I can do is state facts, give my point of view, share experiences, and offer suggestions.

Photo by Twitter: @jankolario on Unsplash

Have you ever had a challenging day? I’m talking about the type of day when it seems like there is one bad thing happening after another. You wake up in the morning, then trip and fall as you get out of bed. Then, when you make your coffee, you drop it on the floor. After that, you get to work and it’s the busiest day of the year. Damn, you forgot your lunch and your wallet, so you are hungry and have no money on you. You finally get off work and get home to a nice glass of wine and a delicious plate of food, but then you drop your dinner on the floor. As a result, you snap! You have had enough of this shit. You start to throw things, tear stuff down, scream, and maybe even cry because it’s one thing after another. It wasn’t the worst day by far, but it was extremely challenging to say the least. You didn’t explode because of the food you dropped, the dropped meal was just the icing on top of the unappetizing cake that was being prepared throughout the day.

Imagine living a challenging life because certain people don’t like you because of the pigmentation of your skin. I wake up in the morning and hope that I don’t get pulled over by the police on the way to my place of business. Once I get there, I have to deal with…



Tony Jones, M.A.
Age of Awareness

Tony Jones is a freelance writer that covers race, culture, music, and sports across multiple platforms.