ChatGPT and Education

Ron Rivers
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readDec 12, 2022


Twelve days ago, ChatGPT was released, and the impacts have been staggering. It has since exploded in popularity and its power is just beginning to be understood. Some are expressing fear and concern about the implications of unleashing our creations into the world. I believe ChatGPT is an extremely beneficial tool for many people and social verticals, and this essay will explore why that is very accurate for our educational institutions.

Paul argues for the immediate withdraw of ChatGPT in this thread.
Stefan’s analysis is correct and inspired further exploration.

Luddism is not a new phenomenon, and if the past is any indicator, academic institutions may attempt to suppress and punish the use of these AI companions. We will resist what is in favor of what was. Demand will create a market for monitoring services similar to those for plagiarism. A battle of AI versus AI, each making the other more complex but never concluding outside of moving resources out of educational institutions and into the hands of some private firms. It is a Sisyphean effort rooted in fundamentally incorrect first principles — an attempt to hold onto a model of education and ranking that is now changed radically. Instead…

