Class Of Zero

Ryan Hagen
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2020

I wanted to share this incredibly powerful video I recently came across about 350 valedictorians who gave the same, one-minute speech at graduation this year. In the video, you’ll hear directly from the students and founder of the new movement, called “Class of Zero”.

The ‘zero’ refers to:

  • Zero emissions.
  • Zero excuses.
  • Zero time to waste.

I highly recommend watching the 5-minute video below to hear directly from these courageous leaders — some of whom were actually denied the opportunity to give their speech at all.

The video struck a chord with me and I’m sure it will with you as well, but I’ve included the text of the speech below just in case.

Class of Zero Commencement Speech

Today, we celebrate our achievements from the last 4 years. But I want to focus on what we need to achieve in the next 11.

That’s how long climate scientists have given us; 11 years to avoid catastrophic climate change. It’s already damaging our homes, our health, our safety, and our happiness. We won’t let it take our futures too.

Our diplomas may say class of 2019, but marked in history, we are the Class of Zero.

Zero emissions.

Zero excuses.

Zero time to waste.

Across the country, our class stands 7.5 million strong.

And in unity, we’re giving 2020 political candidates a choice:

Have a plan to get to zero emissions, or get zero of our votes.

Together, we have the power to solve the climate crisis.

Every student. Every parent. Every teacher. Every leader.

The future is in our hands.

Easy Action: Send this around to the students in your life. Maybe they’ll be inspired to join Class of Zero, send it along to others in their school who might take the stage next year, or vote for the top climate candidate in 2020!



Ryan Hagen
Age of Awareness

I write to help build a safer, healthier, more just world.