Clean Up Your Home Office and You’ll Boost Your Productivity

Messy home, messy mind, messy results?

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Age of Awareness


Clean Up Your Home Office and You’ll Boost Your Productivity

It’s Monday morning, you want to start into your new work week full of power. You sit down at your ‘office desk’, the kitchen table. You look up and the other half of the table is full of dirty dishes from your partner's breakfast.

Your energy is transforming into anger. Especially when looking towards the sink which is still full of stuff from your family’s late-night snack. You feel the urge to quickly clean up and send an angry message into your family group chat, but the 8:30 am team meeting call starts in 5 minutes. You have barely time for a quick coffee.

Your Zoom meeting begins and you try to position yourself so nobody can see the mess in the back. You would love to focus on your work, but with the dirty dishes dancing around you, there is no way. Studies show our brains have a hard time focusing in chaotic environments.

We are all facing the same problem. Our home offices are a mess. As long as we cannot escape back to the office, do we have to clean more to keep up our productivity and focus?

How the Mess Affects Your Brain, Productivity and Health



Karo Wanner
Age of Awareness

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