Communicate Efficiently With Albert Mehrabian’s 7% Communication Model

And, say yes to amazing opportunities

Pooja Shrivas
Age of Awareness


You must have good thoughts and appropriate words, but you don’t know how to express them in some way that can make your communication effective communication.

Well, this is the exact situation that faces by many people at least once in life. So, don’t get panic if you are facing it too.

In this challenging world communication skills are required by every carrier option whether it’s verbal or non-verbal ( writing ) but unfortunately, the 7.8 billion population in this world also includes people who hold themselves back from amazing opportunities because of their lack of communication skills, and lack of confidence for it.


It would be a bad conception that communication is 100% verbal which means one person must speak with another one, and yes it’s true but partly — because there are other things also that affect your communication.

Professor Albert Mehrabian came in 1970 with the importance of non-verbal communication, He introduced a new communication model in which only 7% is verbal communication, and the remaining 93% is non-verbal that include 55% body language and 38% tone of voice ( The way you present your words).



Pooja Shrivas
Age of Awareness

Writing makes me more comfortable with my thoughts. Write about the relationship, life, mental health & self-improvement