COP 27 Result

Loss and Damage fund

Peter Miles
Age of Awareness


COP 27 Logo. Image — Wikimedia Commons by

The result from COP27 was disappointing.

Many National Governments will be left behind in terms of their credibility and influence on the international climate change stage because of the lack of action.

Fortunately, country’s national or federal governments are not the only actors, legislation enacted by state and local governments, public opinion and their purchasing choices affect market forces, together with industry leaders, and aid and development programs, all exert great influence on climate change mitigation.

COP 27 can be briefly summarized as:

Achieving acknowledgement of loss and damage from the changing climate and the need for funds to compensate those poor vulnerable countries effected, and that this is recognized at the high level of COP27 parties.

Achievement, the need to change the global financial system to address climate change was acknowledged.

Greater ambition was not achieved on climate change action and decarbonization or building on the Glasgow momentum.

Listed below is a reminder of what was hoped to be achieved:

Quotes of some of the main priorities of COP27:



Peter Miles
Age of Awareness

45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change.