COVID-19 Isn’t Our Biggest Concern Anymore

It’s something much worse.

Jayla Sun
Age of Awareness


Photo by abdullah ali on Unsplash

Lately, there’s this overwhelming sensation hanging in the air. And it isn’t the threat of a deadly virus that keeps mutating. We’ve gotten used to that.

It’s the fact that everyone’s ignoring public health advice, our only real defence against the threat of that deadly virus that keeps mutating.

Terrifying, ain’t it?

The other day my friend tried to joke, “Today’s cases are down, there were only 7500 new people infected.” Honestly, I would have laughed. Except, I don’t think he was being sarcastic. So, I kept my mouth shut.

Nothing is funny. Not his joke, not the 7500 newly infected people, not the fact that we’re still in this pandemic. Nothing.

In Canada, we’re in a limbo. Things are bad, but they also could be worse. Cases keep oscillating over a critical line — that if we surpass, the country will enter a state of really, really, really bad. It happens when outbreaks crop up in every corner of the city and we start giving up on contact tracing. Or when hospitals run out life-saving medicine or get critically low on staff. It happens when health care workers start talking about how they’ll decide who gets to live. We saw it happen in Italy last year. It happened in America just a few months ago…



Jayla Sun
Age of Awareness

sometimes it comes off funny, but i’m always being serious.