Curfews Provide Cover for Police Violence and Repression

And they put essential night workers at further risk and harm struggling cities

Jen Roesch
Age of Awareness


Image by Milan Pinder from Pixabay

Half an hour ago, I learned that Governor Cuomo had ordered a curfew for New York City. This will do little to stem the tide of protest and rage. In fact, it is quite possible that this decision will tip our city from rowdy, but mostly peaceful protests into full-scale rebellion. If it does, the responsibility should be laid directly at the feet of the Governor, Mayor and NYPD.

What is clear is that the curfew will put even larger numbers of people at risk. And the toll will fall most heavily on those who have already suffered the most from the triple horrors of police abuse, economic devastation and the pandemic.

Cuomo and DeBlasio put out a joint press release saying that the curfew was because “violence and property damage occurred during last night’s protests.” What they don’t mention is that when dark fell, a line of police officers charged a stationery, peaceful crowd of protestors without warning. This was captured on video footage by multiple observers — including NY State Senator John Liu.

After several days of protests, it is clear that many of NYC’s finest are eager to “restore order” at any cost. The hair trigger violence that was…



Jen Roesch
Age of Awareness

Socialist, Writer, Mother, Teacher — Fighting for a World Worth Living In. I run a newsletter about schools in the time of COVID at