Curiosity: Teleportation Today

Where would you go if you could go anywhere instantly?

Matthew Murrie
Age of Awareness


Man in airport watch airplane taking off while sitting with feet on his luggage
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

What if you could go wherever you wanted? What if teleportation is possible! Curious, where would you go? Wonder how a world where anyone could go anywhere would work? Get curious about going wherever you want with some Curiosity-Based Thinking activities for the question, “What If You Could Teleport Anywhere?” from The Book of What If…?

What If You Could Teleport Anywhere?

If we could teleport people or things across the world (or even across the universe!), how would society change? Right now, America is largely a car-based society. We probably wouldn’t need all of those cars if we were just instantly popping in and out of places. What about war? We’d certainly have an easier time sneaking up on people, but we’d also be caught by surprise all the time too. Would we be less violent if everyone could just appear and disappear? And what about buildings? If we didn’t have to walk through doorways, could we have huge buildings of closed spaces we just pop into?

The Book of What If…?

A Curious, Teleported World

What would a building without doors look like? What other common feature of our buildings would disappear if we teleported…



Matthew Murrie
Age of Awareness

Author of The Book of What If…?, Founder of What If Curiosity, and Creator of Curiosity-Based Thinking and Curiosity-Based Learning, turning ideas into actions.