Dark Days Ahead for America — We’re Finding Out Who We Really Are

Glen Hendrix
Age of Awareness
Published in
7 min readMay 3, 2020


Photo by Maurício Mascaro on Unsplash

This pandemic is exposing to us in the U.S. and to the world just how fucked up American society is. Burdened with a sociopathic leader (how and why in God’s name did we get such a stupid one; aren’t most sociopaths smart?) that has never accepted responsibility for anything in his life (remember him talking about “Melania’s son”?), our society is collapsing before our very eyes.

One of the first things Trump did when he came into office was take the pandemic tools that Bush had started and Obama had carefully cultivated into a world health alarm system and infrastructure and destroy them. He closed the White House office devoted to the problem. He took the 70 page pandemic playbook containing solutions to problems he’s now dealing with and threw it in the trash. He then proceeded to ignore any and all warnings by the most knowledgeable people on the planet that the U.S. was in trouble from a virus coming out of China.

But it’s not just Trump. It’s the Republican Party. They have kowtowed and pandered to his every ignorant, disgusting whim just to stay in his good graces. Not just to bask in the glory of his “base”, but to avoid his venal, petty, and savage rebukes and retribution if they don’t agree. And it is not just the Republican Party. It is the corporations with their perversely, disgustingly huge…

