Your Facebook Post Killed Me

Wanting your teacher to burn in hell probably isn’t the best approach. But I get where you’re coming from.

Dartinia Hull
Age of Awareness
Published in
13 min readFeb 17, 2020


Dear Isaiah,

I saw your note to your teacher. Somebody posted it, and said your mom was planning to talk to her. You were angry and hurt that Ms. Jones had taken your hummingbird bucks because you were talking to your friend, Connor. You were hurt that she took what wasn’t hers, so hurt that you called her a thief, and you said she was going to hell.

  1. You sound like an AWESOME friend. Everybody needs a good friend like you. We all want somebody to talk to.
  2. Sometimes, hell is right here on earth, and when people who are normally loving and kind do something that hurts their friends, especially their friends who are children, that creates what adults call a “living hell.” Your teacher, I guarantee you, already feels like she’s sitting on a throne of fire and holding the right hand of Satan. So you don’t have to wish so hard for her to burn.
  3. You are a wonderful writer. Those of us who write can see how beautifully you express yourself, and we admire your strong words. And dude, your spelling is on point.
  4. Hummingbird bucks — How can I earn a few?
  5. So many of us were you. I…



Dartinia Hull
Age of Awareness

Unapologetically Black. THAT mom. I probably need a nap. Played clarinet in band. I put words on pages. Love avocado. Strangers tell me their secrets.