Deep Work is Both Mental And Physical: Why Exercise and Manual Labor are Efforts of the Developing Mind

Julia E Hubbel
Age of Awareness
Published in
11 min readFeb 14, 2022


\Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

The intrinsic and deeply emotional value of physical labor, and why it just might save your life

Humans suffer from two terrible addictions (okay, LOTS of them, but stay with me here), and they are:

  1. The need to be right (at all costs)
  2. The need to feel superior

While this is going to both sound and feel overly simplistic, because it is, let me expound. First, so many of our wars, disagreements and -isms spring from these two, and in so many ways, were we to look harder at how they work in us, so many of those wars and disagreements would dissipate.

Our economy would collapse, too, because the compulsion to be prettier, stronger, younger, faster etc. etc., and most especially richer, better than all that, drives a great deal of our profit-making industries. And our religions and wars, and our religious wars, and every other damned thing.

“My daddy can beat up your daddy” to “I’ve got bigger boobs” drives the bulk of our economy. Folks make a lot of money when we are at war with ourselves and each other. The need to hoard money to get bigger yachts, the need to get implants to have…



Julia E Hubbel
Age of Awareness

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.