Diary Of A Medical Student
Entry 1 — Starting a new placement
Today was the first day of my new placement. You might think that I would have been excited, but I was dreading it.
I very much have a love-hate relationship with Medicine. One day I will love it, love the atmosphere, the people, what the future job entails and the next I am capable of passionately hating it. Hating the culture of Medicine, the teaching by humiliation techniques that are often still present, the long days, all the bureaucracy that comes with working with the NHS and all the difficult and emotional circumstances we see.
Today was my first day back on placement in a hospital after a while of not being on the wards. I typically don’t like my acute physical health hospital placements that much and I think I’m still trying to work out why exactly, so I was most definitely not looking forward to this day.
If you’re wondering why on Earth I’m still studying to become a Doctor if I seemingly hate it so much — this is because I have realised I want to go into Psychiatry. I absolutely love my Psychiatry placements, in addition to my GP ones as well. But the acute physical health stuff, is just not my cup of tea.
A few weeks ago I would have said I was anxious to start this placement, but as of yesterday and the few days prior?