Do You Write Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

Two strategies how you can write your stories

Nicole Hilbig
Age of Awareness


Six Traits of Effective Writing, six books stacked on top of each other

Did you know that when you write stories you unconsciously use certain text production directions and thus heuristic methodologies? This is because of whether you are starting to write from an idea or reading text.

Because many people think that writing just happens that way: intuitively, just get started, without much organization. But that is only the half truth. Writing does not always come out of intuition, but is also used purposefully and consciously.

The two terms top-down and bottom-up are usually terms that mainly describe two opposite directions of action in economic, political, software-technical or psychological contexts.

The Germanist Sylvie Molitor-Lübbert, however, uses these terms and places them in the context of the writing process in her work, which allows the respective writing process to be described very precisely. Here, too, she calls these directions of action “top-down” or “bottom-up”. But what exactly is behind it and how can you use these writing strategies for your texts?

Writing Processes Change the Way We Deal with Knowledge

The Germanist Sylvie Molitor-Lübbert (SML) examines in her work “Scientific text production



Nicole Hilbig
Age of Awareness

I love learning and writing about the changes in our digital era. My topics are future, work, productivity, writing, education & personal stories.