Don’t Get Duped by a Man

A man can keep a lie going for about a year, so learning some self control before leaping into bed, will protect you.

Art Vandelay
Age of Awareness
3 min readJun 13, 2020


Photo Author: Unsplash — Joshua Rawson-Harris

It happens far too often, you only have to watch True Crime shows to see how cunning men can be. Four dates in, and you’re already sleeping with someone you really know nothing about, or after 8 weeks you’re moving in with them. Only to learn 3 months later they have a gambling problem, drinking issues, another girlfriend, or start showing signs of domestic abuse, and now you’re in way too deep. They may have a criminal past you’re completely oblivious about, or equally worse and harmful, an STI they’ve kept secret.

It amazes me how some of the most forward thinking and successful people in business there are, but with regards to relationships, they make some of the worst naive decisions.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” Albert Einstein

I’ve been in a solid relationship for 10 years, and things are still as hot as they were when we met, and it’s primarily due to one reason, we waited, and truly got to know one another on an emotional level, that just made everything 10 times more intense and sustainable when we did sleep together.

The woman is in control of that moment, we all know that, so rather than cave to animal instincts, if you really care for this person and want a future, just wait. Don’t be caught up with the flowers he brings to your office, and niceties he showers you with, enjoy them, but always be aware, it could be an act. Once you’ve given up your body, there’s really nothing left to give. You’re much more likely to pickup any red flags in the first 4 months than any other time. And any decent person worth waiting for will have no issues in waiting without pressure.

It’s almost textbook, you start sleeping together almost right off the bat, and that burns out after 6 months, now you’re left in a stale mediocre relationship with someone you really don’t click with that well, or maybe learn they have a middle name.

Photo Author: Unplash — Gabby Orcutt

If you’ve lived your life this way and things have never worked out, then maybe it’s time to try something different. Use your instincts, that’s why you have them, too many people ignore these. Also, don’t play something off multiple times that doesn’t seem right, I mean how much benefit of the doubt do you have to give someone? If he’s repeatedly texting a female work colleague past 11pm, it’s over.

Remember the quote from Albert Einstein “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” So with that said, which in relationships has clearly been proven, you’ll stand a much better chance of a sustainable, loving relationship by just waiting and not rushing anything. Thus far more likely to pickup any red flags during that wait period, and thank yourself you didn’t move in and/or sleep with this person.

Just be patient if you want something special.

