Education Is Changing. College Is Not as Valuable.

Stop going to college and do this instead.

Alana Rister, Ph.D.
Age of Awareness


Edited by the author: Background photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash and overlay Photo by Guido Jansen on Unsplash

After receiving a Ph.D. in Chemistry, I have focused most of my life on education. However, if one day I have a child, I would not push them toward receiving a college degree. Millennials and later generations have been taught that receiving a college degree means that you will be productive in society.

There are millions of college students every year believing that if they just study hard enough that they will be set for the rest of their lives. They believe that all of their troubles will be over when they graduate in a few years.

They will have a great job, a great paycheck, and can live the American dream.

This is a lie. It was true in the past, but it is not true any longer. As someone who has a Ph.D. in science and partnered with someone with a Bachelor in Engineering and Masters in Management, we struggle as a couple to pay our bills every month.

If we didn't have thousands in student loan debt, we would be able to actually afford to live in our current situation, but not live the life we thought were getting when we went into college.

My mom with an associate's degree makes more than double what my partner and I make combined.



Alana Rister, Ph.D.
Age of Awareness

Write about entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal development. Also me: @alanalrister and @scigradcoach