Education Systems Are Sick. Here Are Three Suggestions for a Cure.

How schools can use talents, tech & growth mindsets to better prepare the next generations.

Eva Keiffenheim
Age of Awareness


“We may not see the future, but our students will and our job is to help them make something of it.”

— Sir Ken Robinson

The next generation faces climate change, digital disruption, and need skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, information literacy, and self-directed learning.

Yet, most schools haven’t changed since your parents went to school.

Our education system operates in an outdated framework. It’s like we’re desperately using Henry Ford’s assembly lines to create the future of mobility.

Unless we want our kids to blame us for pushing them through a sick system, we better change the frames in which schools operate.

Below are three instructive examples of how to improve school systems. By reading, you’ll understand how teachers, grading systems, and technology can drive us into a new education era.

1. Attract The Best Talent To Teaching



Eva Keiffenheim
Age of Awareness

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