Electoral Map History Clears all Doubt

So yes, the party switch DID happen.

Johnny Silvercloud
Age of Awareness


Electoral Map

The Party of Lincoln.

This seems to be the moniker of the Republican Party, flowing easy from those who are from the Bible Belt states. I’d like to investigate this notion; it is a known fact that these Bible Belt states — the Deep South — were Confederate States, which means that the people there viewed Lincoln in the same vein as George Washington viewed the Royal Crown of England. Thus, the notion of modern day Republicans idolizing Lincoln makes no sense, especially when there’s numerous Jefferson Davis and other Confederate identities are heralded as heroes of the South.

Electoral Map data illustrates the political party selection of regions of the United States. The way presidential elections are set up, in layman’s terms each state is worth a certain amount of points (Electoral College). When a presidential candidate gets a majority of a state, he gets all the points a state is worth. The amount of points a state is worth is based on population numbers. I’m using electoral map data to investigate a couple of things:



Johnny Silvercloud
Age of Awareness

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.