End of Our Climate as We Know It

Mike Hosey
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2019


‘Climate change’ is no longer serious enough to describe the climate disaster we’re heading towards. Terms like climate emergency and climate breakdown have been argued to better describe what we face…

And it totally makes sense. There is now more CO2 parts per million (ppm) than there ever has been in all of human history going back millions of years. Yes, that may be great for trees but the more CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere, the stronger the greenhouse effect that will just continue warming our world and changing our climate.

With all of that, we’re heading towards what scientists have recently called ‘climate departure’. A period of time where we will be living in a climate never experienced in human history. Large areas will go through desertification, be submerged by rising sea levels and even become completely uninhabitable. Changes in temperature and precipitation will drive this and we will have to adapt as best we can.

What is Climate Departure?

Climate departure is described as “the point at which the average temperature of a location’s coldest year is projected to be warmer than the average temperature of its hottest year in the period 1860–2005”.

Reaching the point of climate departure will differ in different places depending on how rapid warming is…



Mike Hosey
Age of Awareness

| Founder of thinksustainabilityblog.com | Masters in Sustainable Development | Interested in all things sustainable |