Everyone Is So Angry And Pained, How Did We Get Here?

With happiness, pain becomes an illusion.

Jessey Anthony
Age of Awareness


Why Am I So Unhappy All The Time
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Everyone experiences unhappiness once in a while. Our emotional state is determined by the pattern of how we live, how we do things, and what we think of. Sometimes the pattern of our happiness or unhappiness can be long or short. But what if you find yourself in an unhappy state all the time? What causes your unhappiness?

Millennials are getting more lonely, depressed, and suicidal daily. One out of 3 of the average Americans can honestly say they are completely happy with their lives. Similarly, another data shows white Americans are usually unhappy than black Americans.

Statistically, there’s a 50% increase in the rate of unhappiness worldwide since 2012. The rate at which people live a happy life is dropping drastically by the day. In America, people are becoming miserable. Although the United States economy has improved after the 2009 recession, a report shows a decline of 6% in overall life satisfaction.

Finland beats Denmark in the top spot as the happiest country in the world, making it their 4th time in a role since 2017, while the United States ranked 19th down from 18th in 2012. The United Kingdom fell from 13th to 17th, while Chile moved to 84th place from 94th, according to the recent World



Jessey Anthony
Age of Awareness

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z