Voices of the ReGeneration Rising

Conversations about/as regenerative practice (Episodes 1–13)

Daniel Christian Wahl
Age of Awareness


Let me briefly introduce you to a new Youtube based video-blog series I started in December of last 2019. After another year of spending more and more time on Zoom calls with some of the most amazing change agents in the “planetary immune response” (P. Hawken) that is now well underway, I decided that there was a way to apply the good old permaculture design principle of “staking functions” to these calls.

Much of these conversations — which were part of my work of weaving strands in the web of the ReGeneration rising that is strengthening around the world — were full of information that would be inspiring to many. So I decided to record parts of these calls as interviews/conversations. Initially I wanted to write all of them up into and abridged transcript and possibly even a commentary on each.

As the series evolved over the last few — rather tumultuous — month I realised that I don’t have the capacity and time to do this for all of them and started publishing some of the videos just with a short synopsis in the Youtube description. If my call for support on Patreon becomes really successful and I can afford to pay for transcription of these recordings I would like to offer transcripts for all of them and have somewhat support me in editing and publishing them as a free resource.

For the time being here are the first 13 recordings. There is still a long way to go with this series. I have a list of 50 men and 50 women who I would like to start with but as life flows on I have already added others as the opportunity arose. I hope these conversations will help many people on their path of learning how to be glocal regenerators of the Earth and her people. I certainly have learned a lot in each one of them.

… there are conversations with Tony Hodgson (H3Uni) and David Hodgson (Global Regeneration Co-lab) waiting to be uploaded and I have a number of exciting conversations scheduled over the coming weeks.

As usual with everything I do I just love to share this material freely and work to make it accessible and visible to people because I believe it may contribute to the emergence of diverse regenerative cultures everywhere. I hope to contribute meaningfully with this project in various ways:

  • support people as they are exploring how to be differently in the ‘new normal’,
  • make the rising ReGeneration more visible to itself and help in weaving synergies between efforts
  • celebrate the many committed individuals who have dedicated their lives to being of service to a larger whole
  • show that our strength as a growing movement lies in celebrating our diversity
  • building peoples trust in distributed leadership, co-creation and participation rather than looking for heroes or heroines to save the day
  • capture the wisdom and life-lessons of elders in the movement
  • help showcase the amazing work of young and old around the world who are discovering their agency as catalysts of the ReGeneration rising!

[Note: I have let the order of these evolve naturally. There is a wide diversity of ethnicity and geographic regions in the list of people yet to be invited and overall there will also be gender-balance.]

If you like the post, please clap AND remember that you can clap up to 50 times if you like it a lot ;-)!

Daniel Christian Wahl — Catalyzing transformative innovation in the face of converging crises, advising on regenerative whole systems design, regenerative leadership, and education for regenerative development and bioregional regeneration.

Author of the internationally acclaimed book Designing Regenerative Cultures

Please consider becoming a Patron so I can focus more of my time in this evolving and timely project:



Daniel Christian Wahl
Age of Awareness

Catalysing transformative innovation, cultural co-creation, whole systems design, and bioregional regeneration. Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures