Follow the best instructions

How to spot and fix unhelpful words for powerful change

B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness


A service door near Montreal’s Lachine Canal (photo by B. Lorraine Smith, Oct 2023; graffiti artists unknown)

Have you ever noticed how your words shape your deeds? I don’t mean in the, “I think I can, I think I can” way. I mean something even simpler yet potentially troublesome, especially if we aim to make big changes.

Our words are instructions to ourselves. Unhelpful instructions obviously don’t help, yet they often steer us awry without our knowing. They are stealthy. If you’ve ever run around frantically saying, “I can’t find my keys!” you’ll recognize your power to not find your keys, per your clear instructions.

With a bit of practice, we can bring a clarity and power we might never have thought possible.

Key phrases to find and replace

Misplaced keys are one thing. How does this apply to making massive societal change? When I ask people, “What are you trying to change?” nine times out of ten the answer begins with something like:

I want people to just…

We need to get everybody to…

I’m trying to make it so that people will finally…

And the age-old:

If we could just convince these folks that…



B. Lorraine Smith
Age of Awareness

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.