Follow These Tricks to Make Yourself Stress-Tax Free!!

Kunal Chugh
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2021

It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it. - Hans Selye

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

What does stress tax actually mean?

Well, I think none of us has ever paid attention to what stress actually means! We just go past stressful situations and never give it a second thought of what it actually does to our bodies!!

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand.

We all have faced stressful situations more than once in our lifetimes for sure but have you ever thought that you are paying a form of tax while experiencing the stress in your life?

The tax we pay for our laziness is actually what is meant by stress tax. It’s the amount of stress we experience at each stage of our life and the longer you delay, the more tax you pay. Basically, it’s the interest that you are paying on your laziness. What I mean to say is that, putting in the hard work is inevitable, everyone has to do it, it has to be put in at some point of time in your life, but as you delay the effort of putting in the hard work, you end up paying more and more stress tax.

Is it Avoidable?

Stress is a completely unavoidable entity; we never decide when or when not to have stress. It is something which we cannot control. But yes, what we can control is avoiding the situations which can later result in you paying that extra tax for not dealing with the stressful condition effectively.

But yes, stress tax is a completely avoidable entity, we can get rid of it the very next moment we set goals in our lives. The goals that are big enough to fulfill our dreams and the goals small enough to help us complete our daily schedules within the prescribed time limits!

Either we stop assigning tasks that are to be completed at a particular time or we procrastinate our daily tasks on a regular basis. Hence while we are actually facing a stressful situation, all the tasks that were procrastinated result in a continuously ringing bell somewhere in our subconscious mind and it thus results.

Conclusion- Avoid It Using These Simple Methods!

Let me explain this with an example you all can relate to, we all suffer through stress due to not getting work completed on time, maybe due to some unavoidable situation like the ill health of a family member or an emergency call from a senior colleague. These situations are totally unavoidable, but what best can be done is that you just ask yourself a few questions like:

a) How much more time will I require to get this work completed?

b) Do I have the time to complete this task and then go for whatever task I am leaving this work for?

c) Can this work be transferred to someone else in my absence?

d) What worst can happen if I don’t do this task at all?

If you have only a few minutes in your hand or not even a few minutes, then I recommend you practice saying this to yourself: “Though the time I have with me is less, but shall get this work completed for sure the very next moment I get back to my workplace”.

You will notice that just by assuring and reminding yourself that though a situation has come but the task that you were doing has a significance in your life. You will self-assess now that your tasks are getting much less delayed as they were getting earlier!

Even in the worst-case scenario, where you don’t have the time to finish your task which takes it only 5 minutes to get completed, I want you to first keep your minds calm and think of this when you get back: “Although it would have taken only 5 more minutes for me to get the task done I will not have the regrets in my mind that I couldn’t complete it that time”. This one is so very important because when we start a task that could have been completed if we could’ve waited for just 5 more minutes, it keeps on clicking our subconscious mind reminding us of the fact that we have left something incomplete. This feeling of leaving stuff incomplete kills us more than that incomplete task does.

At times we keep on thinking a lot about the task which can be easily done by someone else on our behalf, this bothers us because the moment we get back and we don’t get the work done, it makes us feel terrible. For example, imagine a situation where you are preparing your grocery list and your boss gives you a call and asks you to get back to the office within no time. In such a situation it is meaningful to transfer your job to someone who stays with you or at least ask the grocery store to send you the groceries that you ordered last month in case you reside alone! This way not only you will be more relaxed at your job but you will also have the satisfaction of your job getting done!!

