Food Is Political!

Every product we buy is embedded in a political context and every choice holds a political statement

Age of Awareness


Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

For a political graduate, everything is political, but some things more than others, especially food. Thoroughly related to human cultural and anthropological development, food is tangled with our political identities as well.

Food cannot escape “the political” because it is produced in a highly politicized context with power dynamics and patterns. Every product is embedded in a political context, also called the politics of products.

Most of the time, the linkage between politics and food — the politics of products — is not immediately apparent. How food is produced, categorized, distributed, accessed, and marketed is an issue of power.

Also, different studies look at how food distinguishes between class, gender, and race and its diverse implications with ethics, cultures, environment, and health.

A private need becomes public

When we think of food, we think of physiological needs, but also individual, social, and cultural fulfillment and enjoyment. When we decide to buy food, we are worrying about a private matter. We want to not be hungry, enjoy a specific food, socialize, be healthy, and so on.



Age of Awareness

Freelance content and copy writer with a soft spot for fitness and health brands. Weightlifting junkie.