Four Online Learning Lessons to Note if you Taught this Past Fall

What we can learn from an unprecedented four months of teaching.

Murtaza Ali
Age of Awareness


Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

At the start of this semester, I wrote an article describing four essential tips to know if you were teaching a course in the fall. For context, it may help to read that article first, as I will continually refer to it. With the semester now coming to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the points I raised and revise my original thoughts. My goal in reflecting is to understand the common pitfalls that instructors fell into this past semester, particularly those which resulted in a less-than-stellar learning experience. In the long run, I aim to identify the building blocks of an educational system that prioritizes student learning and moves away from the contemporary obsession with grades as the primary measure of performance.

Here’s a quick recap of my original four assertions:

  1. Implement a flipped classroom.
  2. Change exams to promote a growth mindset.
  3. Consider setting up an affordable home teaching studio.
  4. Remember your students’ mental and physical well-being is more important than your class.



Murtaza Ali
Age of Awareness

PhD student at the University of Washington. Interested in human-computer interaction, data visualization, and computer science education.