Four Things I was Ashamed of For Most of My Life

Become proud of your quirkiness, no matter what people tell you

Mathias Barra
Age of Awareness


Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Society can be ruthless.

People make fun of you. They rarely notice when they say something truly hurtful. As a protective method, many turn to hiding what they actually think and say what seems to be the “right” answer.

I used to be one of those, afraid of showing who I truly was. I said what others wanted to hear. I did the right thing. I was polite towards people I secretly despised. I studied just enough to get acceptable grades but also not more so I wouldn’t stand out too much. I wanted to blend in the background.

That thought now disgusts me. Why be someone bland when your quirkiness is exactly what makes you extraordinary?

I hid who I truly was because society had taught me to be ashamed of them. These are four I struggled with for most of my life and am embracing more as the years pass.

I hope reading my story will help you start embracing the quirkiness you’re shameful about.

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Mathias Barra
Age of Awareness

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →