FTM Transition: Do I Have Any Regrets?

My transition journey as a middle-aged transgender man

Grayson Bell
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

You can’t look up information on transgender people these days without coming across stories from those who have detransitioned. These are people who at one time identified as transgender, began their medical transition, and for a variety of reasons decided to stop moving forward with their transition.

At first, I came out as genderqueer in 2017 at the age of forty-five, which is when I began my transition journey. I started by socially transitioning and going to therapy. I cut my hair, changed how I dressed, and began wearing a binder. Between discussions with my therapist and feeling out how being more masculine in public felt, I eventually came out as transgender in 2018 and began my medical transition.

My transition journey so far

In June of 2018 I received my first injection of testosterone. I was started on a 200mg (1mL) dose every two weeks, or the equivalent of 100mg (0.5mL) every week. The first effects I noticed was a rapid increase in libido. That was the most noticeable effect for the first few weeks.

Within two months my menstrual cycle ended, as did the hot flashes and night sweats I had been experiencing before starting testosterone. I had been on the…



Grayson Bell
Age of Awareness

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him) http://graysonbell.net/