Future of Grocery Stores: Thinking Contact Free

Taylor Bauldwin
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2020


Across the board COVID-19 has been game changing for many different industries. Arguably none more than grocery shopping. It would seem the days of casually shopping are over… for now at least and many analyst predict some of these changes to remain for years to come. And retailers have start to move with the landscape.

Many grocery retailers have updated checkout procedures and put an emphasis on apps such as Apple pay. Grocery delivery apps such as Instacart are becoming more widely used. In a study done by the Food Marketing Institute by Nielsen estimated that online grocery sales would reach $100 billion and make up as much as 20% of total grocery retail by 2025.

According to local news reports even Walmart, the largest brick and mortar retailer in the US, is starting to test stores without cashiers at one of their stores in Fayetteville, Ark.

These are just some of the changes shifting the culture of grocery shopping. With social distancing and safety high on the minds of the public maybe now would be a good time to revisit Amazon Go Grocery.

