Productivity / Life Hack

Get More Done Before Breakfast Than Most Do All Day

It’s much simpler than you’d anticipate

Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readMay 23, 2024


Are you too comfortable with the results you’re getting? — Image courtesy

Let’s face it: mornings suck.

The bed is warm, the world is cold, and your brain feels like it’s been marinated in molasses overnight.

But what if I told you that you could transform those groggy, snooze-button-pounding moments into your most productive hours?

Imagine getting more done before breakfast than most people accomplish in an entire day. Sounds like a superpower, right? Well, it’s not.

It’s just about working smarter, not harder.

Here’s how you can harness the early hours to become a productivity beast.

Plan Your Day the Day Before

Do you know how you feel all pumped up after downing that first cup of coffee?

Imagine waking up feeling that way because you’ve already got your game plan ready.

That’s what planning your day the night before can do for you.

It’s like giving Future You a head start.

So, how do you pull this off without it feeling like another chore?

Here’s a simple approach that anyone can slot into their nightly routine:

1/Brain Dump — Take 5 minutes to jot down everything you need to do.

And I mean everything — from that big project at work to remembering to buy toilet paper.

Get it all out of your head and onto paper (or screen, if you’re digitally inclined).

2/Prioritize — Now, not everything on that list is going to be mission-critical.

Identify the top three tasks that absolutely, and positively need to get done tomorrow.

These are your non-negotiables.

3/Time Block — Allocate specific chunks of time to tackle these top tasks.

Think of it like setting up mini-meetings with yourself throughout the day.

For example:

  • 9:00–10:00 AM: Work on the quarterly report.
  • 2:00–3:00 PM: Call back clients.
  • 4:00–5:00 PM: Brainstorming session for new marketing strategy.

4/Flexibility is Key — Stuff happens.

The cat pukes on the carpet, or a last-minute request lands on your desk.

Build in buffer times for the unexpected so your whole plan doesn’t get derailed.

5/Review — End your day by glancing over what you’ve planned for the next day.

This not only reinforces your game plan but also helps you sleep better, knowing you’re prepared.

There you have it — a straightforward guide to planning your day the night before.

By making this a habit, you’ll find that you’re not just crossing off tasks; you’re actually making meaningful progress on the stuff that matters.

Plus, it frees up mental space for you to enjoy the fun stuff in life, knowing you’ve got your act together.

Selective Focus

In a world where distractions are as abundant as opinions on social media, honing in on what’s important can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

But guess what?

It’s possible, and it starts with deciding what’s worth your attention.

Not all tasks are created equal. Some are high-impact and drive you closer to your goals, while others are just busy work that makes you feel productive without actually moving the needle.

The trick is to identify and prioritize those high-impact tasks.

One way to do this is by using the Eisenhower Matrix, a simple tool that helps you categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Important and urgent — Do these first. They’re your top priorities.
  • Important but not urgent — Schedule these. They’re crucial for long-term success but can be done later.
  • Urgent but not important — Delegate these if possible. They need to be done, but not necessarily by you.
  • Neither urgent nor important — Ditch these. They’re time-wasters.

By focusing on what truly matters, you’ll make significant progress early in the day, setting a productive tone that carries through to the evening.

Do Not Procrastinate

Ah, procrastination, the bane of productivity. It’s that sneaky little voice that says…

“You can do it later…”

…while simultaneously leading you down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos or Instagram scrolling.

We’ve all been there, but the good news is that you don’t have to stay there.

It’s a short-term fix for a long-term problem.

The key to beating procrastination is to understand why you’re doing it in the first place. Often, it’s not laziness but fear, anxiety, or being overwhelmed by the size of the task.

So, let’s tackle these head-ons.

First, break your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. If a project feels too big, it’s easy to put it off. But if you break it down into bite-sized steps, it becomes more approachable.

Instead of thinking…

“I need to write a 2000-word blog post.


“I need to write an outline.”


“I need to write the introduction.”

and so on.

Second, use the Pomodoro Technique. This involves working for 25 minutes, and then taking a 5-minute break. It’s a great way to maintain focus and momentum without burning out.

Plus, knowing you only have to work for a short burst makes starting much less daunting.

Lastly, hold yourself accountable. Tell someone about your goals and ask them to check in on your progress.

Sometimes, just knowing that someone else is aware of what you’re supposed to be doing is enough to keep you on track.

Use Tools That Help You Be Productive

In the symphony of productivity, tools are the instruments that can either make our performance soar or sink.

Steve Jobs wisely said;

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

This insight hits the nail on the head when it comes to productivity tools.

They’re not just apps or gadgets; they’re extensions of our will to make every day count.

Study reveals that leveraging specific productivity tools can slash time wasted by up to 40%. Imagine reclaiming nearly half your day, every day.

In the digital age, where information overload is the norm, having a reliable system to manage your tasks can be a game-changer.

Enter Sunsama, the maestro among productivity tools.

I’ve been a devotee of Sunsama since my college days. Back then, it was about juggling lectures, exams, and social life.

Now, as I helm a writing agency, Sunsama remains my go-to ally.

Its intuitive interface and seamless integration into both my personal and professional realms have made it indispensable.

Here’s a quick S.T.A.R formula that encapsulates how Sunsama lights up my productivity:

  • S — Structure: Sunsama gives my day a clear structure, delineating work from personal tasks.
  • T — Track: It tracks my progress, helping me understand where my time goes.
  • A — Adapt: With Sunsama, I can quickly adapt my schedule in response to the unexpected.
  • R — Reflect: It provides a space for daily reflection, allowing me to adjust and improve continuously.

Sunsama isn’t just a tool; it’s a companion on my journey from a college student to a professional running a bustling company.

It proves that with the right resources, scaling the heights of productivity isn’t just possible; it’s inevitable.

Disclaimer: Please note that I’m affiliated with Sunsama. I only recommend products I’ve personally used and stand behind. Thanks for your support :))*

In Closing

Let’s zero in on a nugget of wisdom from Bruce Lee;

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”

Productivity, in its essence, mirrors this philosophy.

It’s not about sporadic bursts of effort but the steady, daily choices that define our trajectory.

Imagine your days as individual brushstrokes on a vast canvas.

  • Planning
  • Prioritizing
  • Persisting

Each action adds color and depth, shaping a larger masterpiece.

So, embrace your days with gusto and intention.

Lean into the tools and habits that transform mere busyness into meaningful progress.

Remember, in the grand art of life, you’re the artist.

Make every stroke count, crafting a narrative brimming with purpose and passion.

After all, as Lee reminds us, consistency is the key to a masterpiece.

All the best.


P.S. I’ve talked about Sunsama a lot because I genuinely love it, not because I’m affiliated with them. I receive many collaboration offers, but I only share the ones I truly believe in. I use Sunsama every day, and their new Zapier integration has made planning my day so much easier. Give it a try and give your life the organization it deserves.

Try free, absolutely free.



Age of Awareness

✨ I write about productivity + humans + writing.