Goals of Sustainable Development — Every Aspect of Life

The goals of Sustainable Development are designed for the achievement of a better and sustainable future.

Age of Awareness
7 min readAug 8, 2021


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Introduction —

Sustainable Development aims at developing the present using such methods so that the future generation does not have to compromise their needs. It was for the first time mentioned in the Brundtland Commission of 1984. It is also known as the World Commission on Environment and Development. The results of the Commission were included in the reports submitted in the year 1987. Since then the concept of Sustainable Development has been widely circulated amongst nations, talked about and implementation process and progress are taking place. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include 17 goals specifically designed and set up by the United Nations General Assembly held in 2015.

Insights of the Goals —

Poverty is observed all over the world. People struck with poverty face multiple issues such as hunger, starvation, malnutrition, no shelter, etc. One of the major targets of SDGs is to reduce the population under poverty at least by 50%. SDGs also aim that people under poverty are provided with equal rights to varied economic resources and other rights along with its access.

Poverty leads to hunger and lack of proper nutritional food intake might lead to various diseases such as malnutrition, hypocalcemia, and other nutrient deficiencies such as scurvy, rickets, etc. Ending hunger and achievement of proper food security along with improved nutrition is one of the goals of SDGs. Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, technological advancements for healthy and nutritional food is included in the goals.

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Leading a healthy life itself brings peace to one’s life. Ensuring healthy lives for all age groups by providing proper medical treatment and access to all types of possible medical treatments. SDGs also aim to prevent the abuse of drugs, such as narcotic drugs like opium or heroin. Helping in the cure of the epidemic of HIV by providing treatment and other medical care services. It also includes people in prison and people who are addicted to drugs.

Proper medical treatment is a very important aspect as only properly and completely curing a person from a disease will help with the improvement of health care. A major example can be the current COVID-19 pandemic. It is highly expected for people to get the proper vaccination to avoid infection and further spread of the deadly Corona Virus.

The requirement of clean water and proper sanitation is a major requirement. It is a well-known fact that out of 3% of the available freshwater, only 0.5% is available for drinking. Keeping the water clean is a very common saying but how many water sources are actually clean? “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink” is a very famous line by S. T. Coleridge in his poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The original line actually depicts the situation of lack of freshwater availability to the thirsty men onboard a ship. The need for clean water is real. Sanitation helps in keeping one’s hygiene and is very important as unhygienic conditions might lead to varied health issues. Thus, proper health care facilities build a healthy nation.

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With healthy people comes a healthy mind and with a healthy mind comes a developing economy. The promotion of sustainable and inclusive economic growth is yet another goal of the SDGs. Sustaining per capita income at least 7% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per annum. The goals include the promotion of development-oriented policies for the purpose of supporting productive activities in the economy, creation of employment opportunities, innovative ideas from potential entrepreneurs, encouraging the Mirco, Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurs (MSME).

Sustainable economic growth-related goals also include full and productive employment opportunities for all men and women including people with disabilities and the young generation of the nation. Eradication of forced labor is also considered an important factor along with protection of labor rights, eradication of human trafficking, and child labor.

Education is one of the most important pillars of any nation’s development. Providing young children with quality education helps build innovation and ideas. Quality education not only at the school level but at the university level along with adaptation to modern education systems and requirements adds more for the faster development of economic growth. Excellent quality education can also lessen brain drain.

Gender equality is something for which major parts of society have been fighting for ages. Equality will lead to more peaceful development. Multiple parts of many nations still face discrimination based on various aspects. Not only gender equality but equality irrespective of color, race, religion, nationality, etc is one of the major goals of SDGs. Supporting all communities of the society be it the rich, poor, male, female, LGBTQ+, etc., are also considered significant.

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Achieving peace and justice is another important goal. Reduction of violence, crimes, any other form of violence is included under this goal. Promotion of the rule of law at the national as well as international level so as to ensure that equal justice is accessible by everyone. The SDGs aim at reducing illicit financial and arms flows, corruption, transparency at all institutions, and promotion of non-discriminatory laws and enforcing them. But many nations progress slowly in this goal as it involves the reduction of crimes.

Sustainable consumption and production with utmost responsibility are also identified as one of the goals. Implementation of proper programs for sustainable consumption and production, reduction of food waste, optimum and efficient utilization of natural resources, reduction of waste generation by means of recycling, reusing, and other possible approaches. Encouraging the companies involved in the production sector to produce products using eco-friendly methods, management of waste effluents released from factories, ensuring that proper awareness and complete information reaches people regarding sustainable development, and encouraging them to adopt the methods.

Climate change is something that is evident clearly. Taking positive actions to prevent the adverse effects of climate change is a part of the SDGs. Integration of measures related to climate change with national policies, implementation of the goal through education, awareness programs, committee formulations, and promoting mechanisms at the international level.

Life on land is required to be protected and developed without disturbing natural peace. Conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial and other freshwater ecosystems, promotion of protection, and sustainable management of forests and other natural living beings. Reduction of deforestation, protection of animals through reserves, sanctuaries, and national parks, maintenance of mountain ecosystems, and their protection are included in this goal.

Taking care of life underwater is as important as taking care of life on the land. This goal aims at reducing marine pollution and sustainably manage and protect coastal ecosystems. Prohibition of overfishing is also included in the goal as overfishing might lead to the extinction of marine species. Effective regulation of fishing and implementation of laws to avoid illegal fishing.

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Industrial development by fostering innovation through sustainable industrialization methods is another goal of SDGs. Reliable infrastructures, inclusive development, supporting domestic innovations and research knowledge by encouraging insightful minds leads to faster and positive development. Information and communication technological advancements with universal affordability, and various other developments.

Building sustainable cities such as solar cities with the adoption of eco-friendly methods also fall under the SDGs. Provision of safe, affordable housing service along with up-gradation of slums to remove poverty. Sustainable urbanization, guarding the cultural and natural heritage of the world, strengthening various development policies including housing infrastructure and medical infrastructure. Providing financial as well as technical assistance to under-developed countries for the adoption of these goals at a faster pace.

Finally strengthening the means of implementation and rewake the global partnership for the purpose of sustainable development and for the achievement of its goals. Strengthening the financial and technological advancements of countries along with building good trade relations, capacity building, and self-reliance.

Conclusion —

Goals of Sustainable Development are drafted well and multiple countries are working for the achievement of these 17 goals. But, such huge development progress is not an easy task. Given that a global pandemic affecting everyone globally makes it more difficult. Overcoming every challenge and building stronger nations also adds to the experiences of sustainable development. The goals are drafted very well. It is true that everything has its own pros and cons.

Sustainable development is not an easy achievement, it takes drafting major plans, laws, programs, commissions and other relevant drafting is required. It does not end there, implementation and follow-up to find out lacunas and their correction is also required. SDGs are expected to be achieved by 2030. How many nations are going to achieve this huge development plan? Well, we have to wait and see the progress!



Age of Awareness

BBA LL.B. (H) @ ALSN | In the process of building a career in the legal field.