Good News For Los Angeles Public Schools?
To maintain a majority on the LAUSD School Board, public school supporters had to win every race on Tuesday. So far, they are successful.
“In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.”
– Alexis de Tocqueville
The Charter School Industry spent an obscene amount of money trying to reclaim control of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board. Backed by billionaires like Bill Bloomfield, supporters of these publicly financed private schools poured at least $6.127 million into campaigns that supported Dan Chang in BD3 and Graciela Ortiz in BD5. They just needed a win by one of these candidates to achieve a majority on the seven-member board.
That win does not look like it will come from BD5, the seat currently held by the retiring Jackie Goldberg. The $1.4 million spent to convince voters to elect Ortiz was not enough to compensate for the baggage held by the candidate. This included allegations of financial…