Grow Your Own Sprouting Seeds With These 6 Easy Choices

Saving seed from these plants can give you fresh sprouts all winter long!

Sue Senger
Age of Awareness


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Although the world feels pretty crazy right now, with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic re-shaping our world at break-neck speed while we stay at home, gardening can provide both a comforting activity and fresh food for the table. It’s a great way to beat the self-isolation blues and do something that will boost your immune system!

Anyone with even a little bit of space can start a food garden and benefit from fresh greens through the summer and into the fall.

But with a just little bit of extra planning, you can stretch the supply of fresh greens right through the winter!

Now is the perfect time to plant a little extra for seed saving, and reap the benefits of sprouting later this year.

Sprouting with Benefits

Sprouting seeds are super-greens, packed with amazing health benefits. They contain all the nutrients required to grow into your favorite vegetable, except held in one tiny little seedling. They are simply bursting with life.

Most people think about bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts when they think about sprouting, but in reality, there are a wide range of…



Sue Senger
Age of Awareness

PhD (Biology), MSc (Plant Science), Landscape ecologist, Freelance Writer; Farmer:; Founder: Food Abundance Revolution: