Happiness Lies in Accepting Your Limitations

True happiness comes when you see life as uncomfortable, unpredictable, and rewarding

Maria Milojković, MA
Age of Awareness


Happiness lies in accepting your limitations
Photo by Angelique Downing on Burst

“Can you do everything you want in life?”, I asked my crush.

It was 20 years ago. I could have just giggled and teased him. But, no, I nearly started the conversation about the meaning of life... I really liked the guy.

He was sure the power lies within you, I was saying No way, Sir. His dark eyes made my brain stop. I couldn’t come up with an example to support my smart-arse theory.

Later I remembered. You can’t stop the war. You can’t make someone fall in love with you. You can’t protect someone from dying. I never got to tell him that. A few months later he found happiness with someone else while I was playing cold fish. And then his sister died in a car crash.

Life isn’t a game of endless possibilities. Even if you try to fulfill every desire, you won’t necessarily get happier. You are more satisfied if you accept your limitations. Let me explain.

1. You’ll Never Reach Perfection, So It’s Useless to Strive for It

People can learn to play the piano at 80. Your brain is able to rewire, grow, and heal throughout your entire life…



Maria Milojković, MA
Age of Awareness

Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉 https://bit.ly/3zcGLdE