Heroes of El Hierro, Part II. A Regenerative Economy in Action

This is the story of a real European Regenerative Economy. It can be done!

Desiree Driesenaar
Age of Awareness


Energy system on El Hierro, the lower reservoir. Credits: Javier Morales, El Hierro.

In my first article, Heroes of El Hierro, Part I, I told the general story of the smallest Canary Island. It’s a wonderful story of inhabitants who want a future for their volcanic Spanish island and who design this future using systems thinking and synergy as a driver for their economic growth.

In this article, I will elaborate and tell you more details. I really hope that it inspires people to start working on their own regional, regenerative economies. To embrace ‘Economy of Scope’ and use synergy instead of scale as a driver for an economy of abundance.

We sometimes seem to forget that economies are made by people, so we are very much able to change the economic system as well. The people of El Hierro did it. And they still do it every day. Because I won’t say it’s easy.

We sometimes seem to forget that economies are made by people, so we are very much able to change the economic system as well.

From my own experience, you start somewhere and the next project builds on the former one. Before you know it, you are somewhere along…

